supplies to keep a dog happy when alone

supplies to keep a dog happy when alone

Add All Natural Dog Treats To Your Pet's Diet

by Jennifer Barrett

Natural dog treats are made of wholesome ingredients. Healthy treats will either not endure any processing when they are manufactured or will endure targeted processing that doesn't involve the use of chemicals or dyes.

Healthy Products

Natural dog treats can be used as incentives or as food supplements. If you are interested in providing your pet with a well-rounded diet, you will likely be interested in providing your pet with tasty snacks that contain the ingredients that you know they are already accustomed to. Meat products, vegetables, grains, and fruits may be found in healthy snacks.

A pet manufacturer may market a product that possesses a distinct taste and texture. Some healthy processing applications include rendering, purification, extraction, and fermentation steps. These steps are often used to provide a finished product with a specific color, shape, or texture. Processing is used to remove pathogens and eliminate moisture from a batch of raw ingredients. 

Labeling And Storage

A pet manufacturer is obligated to provide a clear list of ingredients that are contained within a box or bag of treats. Treats may bear a bone shape or may be in the shape of a nugget or another small item. Labeling will indicate the serving suggestion that a manufacturer has provided. The serving suggestion that is provided is a guideline that a pet owner can refer to.

When you shop for natural products, consider your dog's size and dietary preferences. Review the ingredients to ensure that your pet won't have an issue digesting any of them. If your pet is fond of meat-based products, shop for an all-natural treat that possesses similar ingredients to the ones that your pet is used to.

If you would like to provide your dog with a more diverse group of foods, shop for a fruit or vegetable dog treat product that is vastly different than any of the canned or bagged food products that your pet has recently been consuming. Do not provide your pet with too many dog treats. It is perfectly fine to supply them with a treat here and there.

A series of dog treats should never be given in place of a regular meal that your pet needs. Natural dog treats should be stored in a cabinet, a closet, or another storage area that isn't prone to sun and moisture exposure. If your dog will be receiving treats as an incentive, offer the treats during the occasions when you would like your pet to follow some verbal commands. 

For more information on natural dog treats, contact a company near you.


About Me

supplies to keep a dog happy when alone

I have a five-year old American Bulldog that our family adores. Up until this past winter, I was a stay at home mom and rarely left our boy home alone. When I went back to work, our dog started acting out. He was destroying my home. I took him to the vet to be sure that there wasn't any medical reasons for his behavior and then started doing some research. Our boy was going through separation anxiety and didn't like being left home alone. Our trainer suggested a few new toys for him, a bed and to try to re-kennel train him. We visited our local pet store and loaded up some new things for him. Find out all about pet supplies and what you need to keep a dog busy during a day home alone.