supplies to keep a dog happy when alone

supplies to keep a dog happy when alone

Why Cannabis For Dogs Is Becoming Popular

by Jennifer Barrett

With the increase of medical marijuana and recreational marijuana use becoming legal in more states, hemp for dogs and CBD oil are improving the lives of pets. Medical marijuana and CBD oil is a big part of treatment for many people, and this is why veterinarians have tried both for similar conditions in dogs. When a dog suffers from seizures, arthritis, anxiety, or pain, CBD oil and hemp can be used to help relieve symptoms. Dogs that are treated using cannabis have shown improvement in their symptoms and are able to use fewer prescription medications to treat their condition.

When Dogs Have Seizures

Seizures can be difficult to control, even if your dog is on a combination of medications. Problems arise when your dog is taking so much medication to control seizures that they are lethargic and somewhat confused all the time. CBD oil is an excellent option when your dog has seizures that are not in control. CBD oil and hemp for dogs help decrease the severity and number of seizures your dog is suffering from. 

Pain Relief From Arthritis

When your dog has arthritis, you will begin to notice that they aren't as mobile as they once were. A small amount of cannabis for dogs can make it possible for your dog to have pain relief from arthritic conditions that limit their ability to move around. Arthritis is painful, and while there are medications that can be tried, cannabis is often a safer option to start with. Cannabis can also be used in conjunction with prescription arthritis medications to give your pet as much relief as possible.

Breakthrough Pain During Cancer Treatments

Cancer treatments are painful and don't always respond to traditional pain medications. When your dog is in cancer treatment, hemp for dogs can have a big impact on how they feel. Cannabis will improve stomach discomfort, relieve pain, and help your dog sleep better when they are going through cancer treatments. If you believe that your dog is not comfortable while they receive chemotherapy or radiation, it's important to try anything you can to reduce their discomfort.

Cannabis is becoming popular with dogs because it works. For adults, many find relief for their arthritis, anxiety, depression, and overall pain using cannabis. Dogs are proving to have a similar response to cannabis, and it only makes sense that dogs get the same relief from pain or discomfort as people do.


About Me

supplies to keep a dog happy when alone

I have a five-year old American Bulldog that our family adores. Up until this past winter, I was a stay at home mom and rarely left our boy home alone. When I went back to work, our dog started acting out. He was destroying my home. I took him to the vet to be sure that there wasn't any medical reasons for his behavior and then started doing some research. Our boy was going through separation anxiety and didn't like being left home alone. Our trainer suggested a few new toys for him, a bed and to try to re-kennel train him. We visited our local pet store and loaded up some new things for him. Find out all about pet supplies and what you need to keep a dog busy during a day home alone.