supplies to keep a dog happy when alone

supplies to keep a dog happy when alone

Supplies For Your Gecko's Cage

by Jennifer Barrett

If you plan on purchasing a leopard gecko for a pet, you need to make sure that you purchase the right products for your gecko. Geckos are great pets that can live for a really long time if you take care of them. They need warm environments to live in that mirror the climate that they come from.

Glass Tank

You need a large glass tank for your gecko. The glass tank should be made of solid glass. It needs to be large enough so that you can create two different areas for your gecko. Your gecko will need a warm side to their tank as well as a side where they can cool off. This is going to require a larger tank; think at least twenty gallons or larger. Your gecko needs space to warm up and cool down, so a small space will not do.


Do not leave the tank open. If you leave the tank open, there is a high likelihood that over time your gecko will escape from their tank. The best type of lib is a metal mesh lid. A metal mesh lid will allow air to flow freely into your gecko's tank. A metal mesh lid will also allow you to put a heat lamp right on top of the cover for the warm side of your gecko's tank.

Heat Lamp

You are going to want to purchase a heat lamp to put on the top of your gecko's cage. Since your gecko is a reptile, it depends upon the sun to keep warm, which is what your heat lamp is creating for you. The heat dome with the basking bulb should go on the warm designated side of your gecko's cage.

Heat Pad

You are also going to want to purchase a heat pad for your gecko. You can purchase reptile heat pads at your local pet store. The heat pad does not go inside of the tank. Rather, the heat pad is stuck to the glass on the underside of the tank on the warm side of the tank so that it warms the tank up from underneath.

UVB Light

You also need a UVB light that will ensure that your gecko gets enough exposure to vitamin D3. If your gecko doesn't get enough exposure to UVB light, it will result in physical issues for your gecko. They need to be exposed to UVB light for the duration of the day like they would if they lived outside. 


About Me

supplies to keep a dog happy when alone

I have a five-year old American Bulldog that our family adores. Up until this past winter, I was a stay at home mom and rarely left our boy home alone. When I went back to work, our dog started acting out. He was destroying my home. I took him to the vet to be sure that there wasn't any medical reasons for his behavior and then started doing some research. Our boy was going through separation anxiety and didn't like being left home alone. Our trainer suggested a few new toys for him, a bed and to try to re-kennel train him. We visited our local pet store and loaded up some new things for him. Find out all about pet supplies and what you need to keep a dog busy during a day home alone.