supplies to keep a dog happy when alone

supplies to keep a dog happy when alone

How To Make Engraved Dog Tags Informative And Decorative

by Jennifer Barrett

Engraved dog tags are those small decorative medals that hang from your dog's collar and which offer you a simple place to focus important information about them. It is possible to buy generic dog tags in pet shops which typically include pieces of information like their name and breed. While these are usually inexpensive and easy to buy, they are nowhere near as descriptive or useful as personally engraved ones.

Personally engraved dog tags can be made by a wide number of experts, including veterinarians or metal workers. These dog tags include a wide range of personal information that are essential to their health and well being. However, they can also be used in a decorative manner that can add a little style to your dog's look.

Basic Items You Need To Include On Each Tag

Beyond your pet's name, their breed, and their home address it's not a bad idea to include a wide range of information that make them easier to identify. The following information is important for if your dog ever wanders away from your home and gets lost and can't find their way home:

  • Your telephone number
  • E-mail address (if you have room)
  • Veterinarian contact information
  • Any shots they've had
  • Allergies that may affect their health
  • Health complications to be considered

Fun Ideas You Can Integrate On Other Dog Tags

While the simple informative dog tag is the most important one to have engraved for your dog, there are a variety of other fun and light dog tags that you can have made. These are typically ones that focus on your relationship with your dog and include phrases such as "please return me if found: my mom is lost without me" and other fun jokes.

You can also purchase dog tags of varying sizes and stack them together to create interesting and interlocking art. For example, you could have three circular dog tags of slightly different sizes stack up to reveal important information about your pet. In this way, you can integrate decoration and information in a fun and unique way.

By following this simple process, you can not only make your dog safer by personalizing informative dog tags, but make them look cuter. This is a win-win for both you and the dog, as you'll feel better about their well-being and your friends and family will enjoy checking out their tags and petting them. For more information, talk to a professional like Pet Novo.


About Me

supplies to keep a dog happy when alone

I have a five-year old American Bulldog that our family adores. Up until this past winter, I was a stay at home mom and rarely left our boy home alone. When I went back to work, our dog started acting out. He was destroying my home. I took him to the vet to be sure that there wasn't any medical reasons for his behavior and then started doing some research. Our boy was going through separation anxiety and didn't like being left home alone. Our trainer suggested a few new toys for him, a bed and to try to re-kennel train him. We visited our local pet store and loaded up some new things for him. Find out all about pet supplies and what you need to keep a dog busy during a day home alone.