supplies to keep a dog happy when alone

supplies to keep a dog happy when alone

Basic Information About Terrier Breeds

by Jennifer Barrett

Many people choose one of several terrier breeds for their looks. These breeds seem like they will fit well in an urban environment. People often buy terriers as puppies and hope to train them as they grow. Soon, they find out that they are not your ordinary dog and often turn to re-homing them. Proper information about the breeds may reduce the need for re-homing. Here is some basic information about terriers to keep in mind if you are looking at purchasing a terrier puppy.

Buying a terrier puppy:

If you do decide to buy a terrier puppy, talk to other owners and experts first to identify whether or not a terrier breed is right for you. In general, terriers do well with large homes and yards and older children. They may need to be kept separated from other pets, especially pets that are smaller than them such as poultry, rodents, and young animals. The breeds, in general, have high prey drives and will chase and attack just about anything, though individuals can vary.

Basic characteristics of terriers:

Terriers come in all sizes and a variety of shapes, but are generally built to be quick and have wiry coats. Smaller terriers were bred to be aggressive and independent vermin hunters. Traits such as high energy, fearlessness, and aggression were highly favored in their breeding history. Terriers tend to be independent, high energy, like to dig, and bark easily.

Terriers and training:

Because they're bred to be independent, they often don't respond to traditional obedience training. That doesn't mean that they can't be trained, only that they need to have an incentive. Making the training fun and providing treats are great motivators to get a terrier to do something. Terriers will also be hard to train if they're not getting enough stimulation either by exercise or toys. Like any dog, make sure that you get the terrier to understand that you are the one in charge.

Raising a happy terrier:

Terriers need to a lot of attention and activity to stay happy and do well in households where they can work that energy off. If they get bored, they may get destructive. If not properly socialized, they may become aggressive to people, especially strangers and even some family members. Take your terrier on walks in a safe area with a non-retractable leash. Get him or her used to different people, sights and sounds. Train your dog basic commands (such as the "leave it" command).

Terrier breeds may not be for everyone. For someone who wants a loyal, energetic dog that can also take care of a rodent problem, they may be a good fit. Whatever breed of puppy you choose, make sure you choose one that is a good fit for your household.

For more information, contact Your New Puppy LLC or a similar company.


About Me

supplies to keep a dog happy when alone

I have a five-year old American Bulldog that our family adores. Up until this past winter, I was a stay at home mom and rarely left our boy home alone. When I went back to work, our dog started acting out. He was destroying my home. I took him to the vet to be sure that there wasn't any medical reasons for his behavior and then started doing some research. Our boy was going through separation anxiety and didn't like being left home alone. Our trainer suggested a few new toys for him, a bed and to try to re-kennel train him. We visited our local pet store and loaded up some new things for him. Find out all about pet supplies and what you need to keep a dog busy during a day home alone.